Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The requirement for the minor in Mathematics

Six 12-unit subjects in Course 18 (beyond the General Institute calculus requirement) of essentially different content, including at least four advanced subjects. An "advanced subject" is a subject whose first decimal digit is one or higher.

Essentially different content means that at most one subject from each of the following lists may be counted towards the minor:

  • 18.06 or 18.700 (Linear Algebra)
  • 18.702 or 18.703 (Algebra)
  • 18.04 or 18.075 or 18.112 (Complex Variables)
  • 18.05 or 18.440 (Probability)
  • 18.441 or 18.443 (Statistics)
  • 18.304 or 18.316 (Combinatorics)
  • 18.400J or 18.404J (Computation)

Subjects offered jointly with another department (e.g., 18.400J/6.045J) count as subjects in Course 18. Other subjects outside Course 18 are not acceptable, even if they have strong mathematical content.

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